Foxwood  HOA Meeting Notes: January 12 2023
In Attendance:
Quorum established
Meeting began at 7:09
Minutes from Last Meeting Approved.
No votes were taken in between meetings.
Discussed Budget and we are looking right on point
Topics Discussed
Last increase of Dues has not happened since 2019  
Spoke further about installing a light at the entrance.  Willie needed to be reimbursed the 107 dollars and change for paying out of pocket for study to be taken for light.  
Vote was taken and passed by a unanimous vote to reimburse Willie
Result of study is that an installed light on the grid could cost upwards of 15K. Spoke of getting a high end solar light 
Perhaps raising dues and getting light at entrance / on Foxwood signs and irrigation should be rolled all into one?
Need for safety at entrance.  There has been additional issues of cars hitting median. Reflective paint on median. Eydie to check with city. Special Assessment Meeting mentioned by Jessica
Mailboxes- Replace or Remove…. Waiting to see what the contractor says.
Contractor should contact city hall and see what permits (if any) need to be obtained.
Jessica is looking into and comparing the artificial turf to see if it is consistent with the samples that were provided. 
Closed pass issues.  Plants at entrance.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16