Foxwood HOA 
Annual Board Meeting Minutes
05/01/ 2023
via WebEx


Call to Order and Roll Call: 

Willie Blackburn called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board at 7:09 PM on 05/01/2023. This was an online Webex meeting.

The following board members were present: Willie Blackburn, Weston Grammer, George Barnes, Jessica Anderson, Meagan McBride, Rebbecca Punak, Scott Johnson, and Eydie Leighty, Manager with


Previous Meeting Minutes: 

The board minutes from 03/09/2023, were reviewed. Scott motioned to approve, Willie seconded, and the minutes were approved with no corrections.


Issues/Voting Report votes taken unanimously between meetings:

Voting Results Report - 2023-03-09 to 2023-05-02
Account Name Issue Date Voted Issue Title
Foxwood 14186 3/9/2023 Mailbox Shelter Repairs--Vote4replmnt CADE Design $14294 ($6600Res)--Update $15967
Foxwood 18503 3/23/2023 ACC Gazebo Request
Foxwood 18415 3/30/2023 ACC Request For Backyard Gazebo
Foxwood 14186 4/4/2023 Mailbox Shelter Repairs--Vote4replmnt CADE Design $14,294 ($6,600 from Reserves)--Update $15,967
Foxwood 18417 4/5/2023 ACC Request For Backyard Play Structure.
Foxwood 11776 5/1/2023 Vote For Lien Warn N Filing Nncoll-Vote For PP--Vote Lst Ch Ltr-Vote Sm Claims-Liened N Bal Accum-FC

Finance Report:.

We reviewed our finances and budget:

End of March: 

Operating Balance: $ 63,936.54
Total Reserves: $ 26,283.60
Total Assets: $ 90,220.14

End of April:

Operating Balance: $48,927.04Total Reserves: $27,022.60Total Assets: $75,949.64

Currently one owner is in arrears for dues, vote was held to send to foreclosure. (Issue 11776)

Committee Reports:


Upcoming Annual Community Yard Sale will be June 10, 2023.

Last day of school ice cream celebration will be June 23, 2023.

Fourth of July bike parade celebration! (July 4, 2023)

National Night out will be August 1, 2023. 



Old Business:

Entrance Light: A solar powered light in the median at entrance will be no issue for the City of Covington. HOA will need to maintain and have documentation with the City of Covington in place stating that the City is not responsible for the light. 


New Business:

Vote on Lien Issue, Meagan motioned to foreclose, seconded by Willie, all were in favor.

Vote to appoint Jessica onto the Board, Motioned by Weston, seconded by Willie, all were in favor.


The next meeting will be held on June 8, 2023, at 7PM. 

Willie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:05PM, seconded by Weston. 

Minutes were submitted by Meagan McBride.