Foxwood HOA 
Annual Board Meeting Minutes
via WebEx


Call to Order and Roll Call: 

Willie Blackburn called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board at 7:09PM on 10/12/2023. This was an online Webex meeting.

The following board members were present: Willie Blackburn, Meagan McBride, Rebbecca Punak, Scott Johnson, and Eydie Leighty, Manager with LLC.


Previous Meeting Minutes: 

The previous minutes from the July 13, 2023 (taken by Willie who wasn't present at the September meeting.) Need to be reviewed at the November meeting.

The board minutes from September 14, 2023 need to be reviewed at the November meeting. 


Issues/Voting Report votes taken unanimously between meetings:

Voting Results Report - 2023-09-14 to 2023-10-12
Account Name Issue Date Voted Issue Title
Foxwood 11776 10/9/2023 V4lien Warn/Filing/Coll-V4PP-V4lstchltr-V4smclaims-Liened/Balaccum-FC-Voteonpp-Shersale-Bidamt-PIF
The ratification of this vote was missed and will need to be addressed at the November meeting. 

Finance Report:.

We reviewed our finances and budget:

End of September

Operating Balance: $32,330.34

Total Reserves: $24,857.96

Total Assets: $57,188.30

Currently one owner is in arrears for dues (Issue 11776) This issue is still in the process of being collected upon.

Approval to pass the annual budget, annual meeting notice and agenda was motioned by Willie, seconded by Scott, all were in favor. 

Committee Reports:






Old Business:


New Business:



The next meeting will be held on November 9, 2023, at 7PM. 

Wille motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:47PM, seconded by Scott, all were in favor. 

Minutes were submitted by Meagan McBride.